AUditory syntaX (AUX)

Authors: Bomjun J. Kwon
Updated: Wed 20 July 2016
Type: software packages
Languages: English
Keywords: speechlanguageauditionpsychoacousticword-recognitionexperimenteducationprogrammingEnglish
Open Access: yes
License: Academic Free License 3.0
Publications: Kwon, B.J. (2012). AUX: A scripting language for auditory signal processing and software packages for psychoacoustic experiments and education. Behavior Research Methods. 44, 361–373.
Citation: Kwon, B.J. (2012). AUX (AUditory syntaX).

AUX (AUditory syntaX) is a scripting syntax specifically designed to describe auditory signals and processing, to the members of the behavioral research community. AUX Viewer is a program that generates, visualizes, and plays sounds specified in AUX. AUX Viewer can also be used for class demonstrations or presentations. Another program, Psycon, allows a wide range of sound signals to be used as stimuli in common psychophysical testing paradigms, such as the adaptive procedure, the method of constant stimuli, and the method of adjustment. AUX Library is also provided, so that researchers can develop their own programs utilizing AUX. In short, the use of AUX can be potentially beneficial to all members of the research community—both those with programming backgrounds and those without.