Linguistic Annotated Bibliography

Authors: Erin Buchanan and Addie Wikowsky
Updated: Mon 24 December 2018
Type: linguistic database
Languages: cross-linguistic
Keywords: linguisticsphonologymorphologysemanticsexperimentsdatabase
Open Access: yes
Publications: Buchanan, E. M., Valentine, K. D., & Maxwell, N. P. (2018)
Citation: Buchanan, E. M., Valentine, K. D., & Maxwell, N. P. (2018). LAB: Linguistic Annotated Bibliography - Shiny Application. Retrieved from DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1405749

This article and associated website presents the Linguistic Annotated Bibliography (LAB) as a searchable web portal to quickly and easily access reliable database norms, related programs, and variable calculations. These publications were coded by language, number of stimuli, stimuli type (i.e., words, pictures, symbols), keywords (i.e., frequency, semantics, valence), and other useful information. This tool not only allows researchers to search for the specific type of stimuli needed for experiments, but also permits the exploration of publication trends across 100 years of research. Details about the portal creation and use are outlined, as well as various analyses of change in publication rates and keywords. In general, advances in computational power have allowed for the increase in dataset size in the recent decades, in addition to an increase in the number of linguistic variables provided in each publication.