The TimeStudio Project

Authors: Pär NyströmTerje Falck-YtterGustaf Gredebäck
Updated: Sat 24 December 2016
Languages: N/A
Keywords: psychologyexperimentMATLABneurosciencedatabase
Open Access: yes
License: MIT license
Publications: Nyström, P., Falck-Ytter, T., & Gredebäck, G. (2016).
Citation: Nyström, P., Falck-Ytter, T., & Gredebäck, G. (2016). The TimeStudio Project: An open source scientific workflow system for the behavioral and brain sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 48(2), 542-552.

The program is written in MATLAB and features a graphical user interface for the dynamic pipelining of computer algorithms developed as TimeStudio plugins. TimeStudio includes both a set of general plugins (for reading data files, modifying data structures, visualizing data structures, etc.) and a set of plugins specifically developed for the analysis of event-related eyetracking data as a proof of concept. It is possible to create custom plugins to integrate new or existing MATLAB code anywhere in a workflow, making TimeStudio a flexible workbench for organizing and performing a wide range of analyses. The system also features an integrated sharing and archiving tool for TimeStudio workflows, which can be used to share workflows both during the data analysis phase and after scientific publication. TimeStudio thus facilitates the reproduction and replication of scientific studies, increases the transparency of analyses, and reduces individual researchers’ analysis workload.