Dutch Bilingualism Database

Authors: Pieter Muysken
Updated: Wed 24 December 2008
Source: http://portal.clarin.nl/node/4175
Type: database
Languages: Arabic, Berber, Dutch, English, Papiamento, Sarnami, Sranan, Turkish
Keywords: bilingualmultilingualismlanguageArabicBerberDutchEnglishPapiamentoSarnamiSrananTurkish
Open Access: yes
Publications: Boumans, L.P.C., Cervels, E.I. (2005). The Dutch Bilingualism Database. Radboud University. https://hdl.handle.net/2066/41599
Citation: Muysken, P. (2003). Dutch Bilingualism Database. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. http://portal.clarin.nl/node/4175

The DBD comprises data (over 1,500 sessions) originating from Dutch, Sranan, Sarnami, Papiamentu, Arabic, Berber and 1Turkish speakers . At the basis of the collection is the research project TCULT in which intercultural language contacts in the Dutch city of Utrecht were studied. DBD established a first curation of the TCULT data and added many more bilingual data sets.