The CSLB concept property norms

Authors: Barry J. DevereuxLorraine K. TylerJeroen GeertzenBilli Randall
Updated: Wed 24 December 2014
Type: database
Languages: English
Keywords: semanticslinguisticspsychologyword-normsfrequencyEnglish
Open Access: yes
Publications: Devereux, B.J., Tyler, L.K., Geertzen, J., Randall, B. (2014). The Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain (CSLB) Concept Property Norms. Behavior Research Methods, 46(4), pp 1119-1127. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-013-0420-4.
Citation: Devereux, B.J., Tyler, L.K., Geertzen, J., Randall, B. (2014). The Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain (CSLB) Concept Property Norms. University of Cambridge: Department of Psychology.

The Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain (CSLB) Concept Property Norms are a publicly-available resource for researchers, including those interested in semantic feature representations of conceptual knowledge. The resource currently provides semantic properties and associated production frequency data for 638 concrete concepts, with data for each concept collected from 30 participants. We also provide information on the considerable linguistic variation that underlies each normalized feature label (for apple, for example, "tastes good", "is tasty", "is delicious", and "is yummy" are all mapped to the normalized feature label is tasty). We also provide similarity scores (cosines between concepts' feature vectors) for every pair of concepts in the norms.