
Authors: Jonathan W. Peirce
Updated: Sat 30 January 2021
Type: software (cross-platform)
Languages: cross-linguistic
Keywords: behaviorexperimentrepositorypsychology
Open Access: yes
License: none
Publications: Bridges, D., Pitiot, A., MacAskill, M. R., & Peirce, J. W. (2020). The timing mega-study: comparing a range of experiment generators, both lab-based and online. PeerJ, 8, e9414.
Citation: Peirce, J. (2018). Pavlovia: where behavior is studied. Pavlovia.

Though it was originally conceived as a repository and launch platform for PsychoPy experiments, its open architecture makes it possible to support other open-source tools, such as jsPsych and lab.js. Browse the ever-growing repository of public experiments. Share your experiments with specific users and groups, or make them public. We are currently hosting nearly 70,000 experiments built by over 20,000 designers.