
Authors: Brad StoryIngo Titze
Updated: Mon 05 August 2013
Source: https://sal.arizona.edu/node/10
Type: Matlab
Languages: English
Keywords: vocal-tractcodematlabEnglish
Open Access: yes
License: none
Documentation: https://sal.lab.arizona.edu/sites/sal.lab.arizona.edu/files/2020-12/LeTalkerInstructions_1.22.pdf
Publications: Titze and Story (2002); Titze (2002); Story, Titze, and Hoffman (1996); Story and Titze (1995).
Citation: Story, B., Titze, I. (2013). LeTalker. The University of Arizona: Speech Acoustics and Physiology Lab. https://sal.arizona.edu/node/10

LeTalker is a Matlab version of the three mass vocal fold model originially published by Story and Titze (1995) but updated and enhanced by Titze and Story (2002). The model is one of a collection of lumped-element models of the vocal folds. Users are free to use the code as a starting point for model development or as a comparison to previously written code (just give credit where due).