The Visual Analogue Scale for Rating, Ranking, and Paired-Comparison Generator

Authors: Yao-Ting Sung & Jeng-Shin Wu
Updated: Tue 17 April 2018
Type: software
Languages: cross-linguistic
Keywords: psychologydataexperimentLikert-scales
Open Access: yes
Publications: Sung, YT., Wu, JS. (2018). The Visual Analogue Scale for Rating, Ranking and Paired-Comparison (VAS-RRP): A new technique for psychological measurement. Behavior Research Methods. 50, 1694–1715.
Citation: Sung, YT. & Wu, JS. (2018). The VAS-RRP Generator.

VAS-RRPs consist of two components: The first is a testlet, composed of one or more items, which may be of one or several semantic types—such as adjectives, nouns, phrases, and sentences—for eliciting participants’ internal responses, including attitudes, opinions, interests, and so forth. The second component is a continuous rating scale, which is a line continuum with a midpoint and two directional arrows referring to two increasingly opposite levels of semantics. The generator is an authoring tool that researchers and practitioners can use to easily construct their own VAS-RRPs, administer a survey and collect data for further analysis.