The Language 0-5 Project

Authors: Caroline Rowland Samantha Durrant Michelle Peter Amy Bidgood Julian Pine Lana S. Jago
Updated: Mon 24 December 2018
Type: Cohort Study
Languages: English
Keywords: Child LanguageAcquisitioncognitionEnglish
Open Access: yes
Publications: Rowland, C.F., Bidgood, A., Durrant, S., Peter, M., & Pine, J. M. (unpub.). The Language 0-5 Project. Unpublished manuscript, University of Liverpool. Available from DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/KAU5F

The Language05 project was a multi-methodological longitudinal cohort study that tracked the language development of 90 English-learning children from 6 months to 4;6 years (2014 to 2019). Its goal was to establish how differences in processing abilities interact with linguistic knowledge, socio-cognitive skills and the environment to predict individual differences in language acquisition.