The Maryland Tongue Analysis Package

Authors: The Vocal Tract Vizualization Laboratory
Updated: Mon 01 July 2013
Type: data analysis software
Languages: English
Keywords: tonguepalateultrasounddiagramsEnglish
Open Access: yes
Publications: Li, M., Kambhamettu, C., and Stone, M. (2005) Automatic contour tracking in ultrasound images. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 19(6-7); 545-554. ; Parthasarathy, V., Stone M., and Prince, J.L. (2005) Spatiotemporal visualization of the tongue surface using ultrasound and kriging (SURFACES). Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. 19(6-7); 529-544.
Citation: Vocal Tract Visualization Laboratory. The Maryland Tongue Analysis Package. University of Maryland: School of Dentistry.

The Maryland Tongue Analysis Package (MTAP), containing EdgeTrak and Surfaces, was developed by the Vocal Tract Visualization Laboratory for use with ultrasound images of the tongue. Edge Trak tracks tongue and palate and extrasts them as a series of coordinate points which are saved in a text file. Surfaces displays a sequence of contours as a time-motion display. Contour sequences can be averaged and compared numerically.