Model-Matched Sounds

Authors: Sam V. Norman-Haignere & Josh H. McDermott
Updated: Mon 03 December 2018
Type: audio files
Languages: English & non-speech
Keywords: auditionsensoryauditory-cortexneuroscienceEnglish
Open Access: yes
Publications: Norman-Haignere, S. & McDermott, J. (2018). Neural responses to natural and model-matched stimuli reveal distinct computations in primary and nonprimary auditory cortex. PLOS Biology.
Citation: Norman-Haignere, S. & McDermott, J. (2018). Stimuli from Model-Matching Experiment. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: McDermott Lab.

Here, we propose a simple alternative for testing a sensory model: we synthesize a stimulus that yields the same model response as each of a set of natural stimuli, and test whether the natural and “model-matched” stimuli elicit the same neural responses. We used this approach to test whether a common model of auditory cortex—in which spectrogram-like peripheral input is processed by linear spectrotemporal filters—can explain fMRI responses in humans to natural sounds.