Large database of English compounds

Authors: Christina GagneThomas SpaldingDaniel Schmidtke
Updated: Tue 24 December 2019
Type: audio database (WAV files)
Languages: English
Keywords: psycholinguisticscompoundspragmaticsEnglish
Open Access: yes
License: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Publications: Gagné, CL., Spalding, TL., & Schmidtke, D. (2019). LADEC: Large database of English compounds. Behaviour Research Methods.

The Large Database of English Compounds (LADEC) consists of over 8000 English words that can be parsed into two constituents that are free morphemes. This file contains compounds formed from 3-10 letter long bases. All items are listed in Wordnet as Nouns. The database contains a number of linguistic and psycholinguistic variables including semantic transparency, family size, bigram frequency, sentiment (valence), and word frequency.