The Karl Eberhards Corpus of spontaneously spoken southern German in dialogues: Audio and articulatory recordings

Authors: Denis ArnoldFabian Tomaschek
Updated: Fri 29 November 2019
Type: speech-database
Languages: german
Keywords: spontaneous-speechspoken-corpuselectromagnetic-articulographygerman
Open Access: yes, but requires BAS CLARIN membership (see procedures online)
License: information provided online
Publications: Arnold & Tomaschek (2016)
Citation: Arnold, D., & Tomaschek, F. (2016). The Karl Eberhards Corpus of spontaneously spoken southern German in dialogues: Audio and articulatory recordings. Tagungsband der 12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum. P und P12.

Forty one-hour recordings of two friends talking to each other. Annotation is provided at word level (manually corrected), at segment level (automatic) and for part of speech (automatic). File format: wav + praat textgrid. Corpus contains articulography for 20 speakers (30 minutes each) that can be provided by contacting the authors (publication in progress).