Chinese Lexical Database

Authors: Ching Chu SunPeter HendrixJianqiang Ma & Rolf Harald Baayen
Updated: Mon 24 December 2018
Type: Lexical Database
Languages: Mandarin Chinese
Keywords: MandarinChineseLexical Database
Open Access: yes

the Chinese Lexical Database (CLD): a large-scale lexical database for simplified Chinese. The CLD provides a wealth of lexical information for 3913 one-character words, 34,233 two-character words, 7143 three-character words, and 3355 four-character words. For each of the 48,644 words in the CLD, a wide range of categorical predictors is provided, as well as an extensive set of frequency measures, complexity measures, neighborhood density measures, orthography-phonology consistency measures, and information-theoretic measures.