ASL Signbank

Authors: Julie A. HochgesangOnno CrasbornDiane Lillo-Martin.
Updated: Sun 24 December 2017
Type: Annotation Aid
Languages: ASL
Keywords: ASLglossestranslationEnglishVideo
Open Access: yes
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Publications: Julie A. Hochgesang, Onno Crasborn, and Diane Lillo-Martin. (2017-2022) ASL Signbank. New Haven, CT: Haskins Lab, Yale University.

a documentation tool that keeps track of visual ASL signs and their ID glosses (unique textual label for each sign) for the annotation of ASL videos of naturalistic ASL use by a wide range of users. The goal of the ASL Signbank is to be a collection of ID glosses, which are unique identifiers for signs regardless of how they are modified.