Speech Banana

Authors: Tilak RatnanatherJoanneMargoRohitLindseyBruceAdityaSeung WookInezEdricSunghoBenMitra
Updated: Wed 30 June 2021
Source: http://speechbanana.jhu.edu/
Type: web and iPad application
Languages: English, Korean
Keywords: speech-recognitioncommunicationcochlear-implantsauditory-trainingEnglishKorean
Open Access: yes
Publications: Ratnanather J., Bhattacharya R., Heston M., Song J., Fernandez L., Lim H., Lee S., Tam E., Yoo S., Bae S., Lam I., Jeon H., Chang S., Koo J. (2021). An mHealth App (Speech Banana) for Auditory Training: App Design and Development Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth;9(3):e20890. DOI: 10.2196/20890
Citation: Ratnanather, T. (2013). A Mobile Application for Auditory Training: Speech Banana. John Hopkins University. http://speechbanana.jhu.edu/

Speech Banana is a training application for people learning to hear with a cochlear implant or digital hearing aid. It is designed to build the skills needed for understanding everyday speech. The hope is to provide a modular, functional and user-friendly at-home training tool for adults with CIs or HAs.